
PCOS is a variable endocrine disorder that affects women in different ways, making diagnosis challenging. The long name of the condition suggests that the presence of polycystic ovaries is a prerequisite. Indeed, many women with PCOS do have polycystic ovaries but many do not; and many women with polycystic ovaries do not have PCOS.

Diagnostic criteria were set out almost two decades ago in 2003 by a joint committee of leading experts from ESHRE/ASRM. This definition is widely used throughout Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe. America sometimes uses this definition too but more commonly they use the National Institution of Health (NIH) guidelines – which focus on the causes rather than symptoms; it does not require the presence of polycystic ovaries. This diagnostic method is gaining traction in Europe as our understanding of the underlying causes improves.

Diagnosis of PCOS will usually be made if you have 2 out of 3 of the following signs:
  1. irregular, infrequent or no ovulation

  2. clinical and/or biochemical signs of excess androgen activity

  3. polycystic ovaries (by ultrasound)

Other entities must be excluded that would cause the above.

Insulin Resistance occurs in 65-80% of women with PCOS

Recently, it has been noted that a further sign, insulin resistance, is observed in the majority of women with PCOS. In November 2014, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists issued new guidelines about the long-term consequences of PCOS and particular attention is paid to the centrality of insulin resistance – seen in 65-80% of women with PCOS. This is independent of BMI and has significant health implications in everyday life and when pregnant.

Correcting insulin resistance at source has very profound positive effects

By correcting the issue where the problem arises, Replenitol addresses the underlying cause by replacing a critical metabolite that is lacking in most women with PCOS. It is a natural product that is present in our daily diet and is also produced by our own bodies. It has no side effects at the recommended dose so can not adversely affect you or interact with other medications.

Insulin Resistance can trigger PCOS symptoms

When a woman develops insulin resistance effects on blood sugar regulation may become apparent very quickly. Insulin resistance is a state whereby the insulin that is produced is normal and the receptors on the cells remain normal but the response to its action is diminished. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to compensate for the muted cellular response; the extra insulin disturbs other systems, including the balance of sex hormones. When the hormonal balance is disturbed, more male hormones are produced and these can give rise to the typical symptoms of PCOS. The Science Section - click here - provides a diagrammatic comparison of the normal state and that typically seen in PCOS.

Where the cause of PCOS is not related to insulin resistance, other treatments may be more effective.

Once diagnosed, a treatment plan can be put in place to reduce the consequences of the disorder and, hopefully, address the issues associated with Insulin Resistance. Correcting insulin resistance at the point where it arises can dramatically improve the lives of affected women. Some of the proven benefits include restoration of normal ovulation, reduction or elimination of acne and hirsutism (hair growth where it is not wanted) and the normalisation of blood lipids, thereby eliminating or reducing some of the long-term risk factors associated with PCOS.