Teenage Years

Replenitol can help – acne disappeared in more than half of those affected in just 6 months in one study

There are specific treatments for dealing with the physical aspects such as concealer and hair removal cream. However, Replenitol has been shown to markedly improve both acne and hirsutism in just a few months. Early intervention is usually best, possibly preventing these symptoms from occurring in the first place.

Many doctors now recommend Replenitol to treat teenage PCOS rather than prescribing the oral contraceptive pill as it addresses the root cause of the underlying condition and has no side effects. Parents tend to be happier with this approach too.

When girls first begin having periods it is quite common for them to be irregular – just like PCOS. It is estimated that as many as 85% of girls do not ovulate for a year after their first period and that 59% still do not ovulate during the third year after their first period. Discriminating between a lack of ovulation that is part of normal growing up and as a result of PCOS is also very difficult.

Early intervention is advisable

The criteria for diagnosing PCOS in adolescence differ from those used in adulthood. Girls at risk of developing the syndrome should be identified as soon as possible– sometimes by means of assessing blood samples for hormones, glucose and lipid levels – and appropriate treatment should be offered. Some of the signs and symptoms that may require treatment include being significantly overweight, hirsutism and irregular periods. Early intervention is advisable to improve your well-being and to minimise or eliminate the associated long-term health risk indicators.

You are not alone - 1 in 10 girls have PCOS

Currently, there are no cures for PCOS but effective management of the syndrome can allow you to live a full and healthy life – just like someone without the condition. You are not alone: about 10% of girls of your age also have the syndrome and you will find that support may be available from both local and national networks.

Verity is a UK-registered charity and can offer you help and support - click this link to visit their site.

The teenage years can be a stressful time for many girls. Experiencing the problems associated with polycystic ovary syndrome can present you with additional challenges. Recognition of the particular difficulties that may be experienced in adolescence is an important first step in handling the situation and putting an effective treatment plan in place.

Adolescence is characterised by quite marked changes in your body and your hormones. Acne is commonly seen as part of normal puberty and it may be difficult to tell teenage acne apart from acne associated with PCOS. Hirsutism (hair growing where it is unwanted) can also start to develop at this time but this usually takes some years. It results from the action of androgens (male sex hormones such as testosterone) on the hair follicles of the face, chest, abdomen, back and/or buttocks. Hair grows where it isn’t wanted which can undermine self-confidence.