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You will be diverted to our secure Square Payments Site in a new tab where you can choose from 1, 3, 6 and 12-month packages

Recommended for men or women to boost natural fertility or to prepare for fertility treatment

Men and women should order this package to give each of you the recommended 3-month therapy to boost your natural fertility and improve your chances of conceiving if you are planning for IVF and other treatments.

Recommended for women with PCOS and couples preparing for fertility assistance

6 months is the recommended time required for some women with PCOS to experience the full benefits of Replenitol. The benefits endure as long as you keep taking it.

Couples should order this package to give each of you the recommended 3-month therapy to boost fertility and improve your chances of conceiving if you are planning for IVF and other treatments.

Recommended for men or women to boost natural fertility who just need to top up their medication

Other packages offer much better value. Clinicians recommend that you should take Replenitol for at least 3 months if you are trying to conceive.

Recommended for women with PCOS and couples preparing for fertility assistance who want to maximise their savings

6 months is the recommended time required for some women with PCOS to experience the full benefits of Replenitol. The benefits endure as long as you keep taking it. PCOS endures throughout the normal reproductive years so treatment is long-term. You can maximise savings with this package.

Where a woman has PCOS and a couple is trying to conceive a pragmatic approach might be optimal. If you achieve your goal in the short term, the remainder can be used to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

All packages include delivery within the UK and Ireland