You can choose below to pay in either £Sterling for customers in Great Britain, €uros for customers in Ireland. Customers in Northern Ireland can choose which payment method they prefer.

Recommended Package for subfertility: 3 months

Recommended Package for PCOS: 6 months

To attain full benefit from Replenitol, the proven effective treatment regime is a minimum of 3 months for the treatment of subfertility and 6 months for PCOS. The benefits will endure for as long as treatment is maintained. We also offer a 1-month top-up package and a ValueMax package of 12 months for women who are undergoing maintenance therapy. Our payment portal is provided by Square so please choose whether you wish to pay in Euros (€) or Pounds Sterling (£). Once you click on either link a new tab or window will open so that you can complete your purchase.
